Primeiras Baterias de Energia Limpa em Portugal – Falual
Inside Sustainability
Falual Metalomecânica Featured on Porto Canal – Planeta Verde


First Clean Energy Batteries in Portugal


Clean energy batteries are now at the Falual Metalomecânica facilities.


The first long-lasting iron flow batteries, intended for industrial applications, have arrived at our facilities, where a photovoltaic production center will be installed, aiming for greater energy efficiency hand in hand with sustainability.



We are committed to taking significant steps towards a greener and self-sufficient future.

The most notable aspect of these batteries is their zero environmental impact. Made with abundant natural elements such as water, salt, and iron, they offer a safe and sustainable solution for energy storage. With a lifespan of over 20 years and environmentally benign disposal, they represent a significant milestone in the search for cleaner and more efficient energy.

These batteries are an alternative to traditional lithium batteries, which in turn have a significant environmental impact.



At Falual, we are excited to lead this initiative towards a more sustainable energy future for Portugal.

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